Franklin County Habitat for Humanity
Please join our meetings which are held on the last Monday of every Month. The meetings are held at the Habitat Thrift Store.
The Board of Directors are: Jerry Beatty, President; Jim Gothard, Vice President, Cathy Woods, Treasurer & Site Selection, Judy Beatty, Recording Secretary, Marie Loftis, Corresponding Secretary Charles Katz, Executive Director, Rachel Morrison, Fundraising, Jason Meentemeyer, Mike Smith, Construction, Larry Finger, Public Relations, Sandra Almond, Ronny Loftis, Missy Holbrook.
Honorary Board are: Hon. Charlie Bradshaw, Sid Ginn, Donald Hamby, Margaret Ayers, Barron Harbin, Dr. Robert Sullivan, Alan Wansley, Margaret Dyal.
If you would like some information, please contact us at the store or get with one of the Board of Directors.
1560 East Main Street Lavonia, GA 30553 356-5479