Franklin County Habitat for Humanity
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Habitat's Third Home


Reynold's House, Number 4


Franklin County Habitat is based in Franklin County, Georgia and serves all of Franklin County.  We are in the process of building our 4th house and welcome everyone to help in this joyous occasion.

Franklin County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. feels that everyone can and should have a decent place to live.  We provide a home ownership program that instills pride and encourages hope by offering a constructive means for families to break out of the cycle of poverty. We bring together volunteers, families and supporters who want to make a difference.

You can help to make a difference in someone's life.  Join us in this exciting and rewarding project by picking up a hammer, joining a committee, and/or making a contribution.  Together we can tackle the challenge of eliminating substandard housing.  Join us TODAY! 

Help build some hope today

Habitat houses are special places for a special reason:  they are built with love in the mortar joints.  It is the love of volunteer partners who pick up hammers to help build the homes; it is the love of donor partners whose financial help makes these houses possible and affordable; it is the love of homeowner partners who contribute sweat equity in constructing their own home.

Houses built with love are houses where hope is also at home.  While hope, like love, cannot be touched, it can be the tears of joy by a mother as her Habitat house is dedicated; in the bright, shining eyes of a youngster seeing his or her very own room for the first time; in the work-worn hands of a father carefully planting a tree in the yard of his new Habitat home.  Hope, cultivated in a loving house, will spread into other areas of a family's life as surely as the tree's branches will spread out over the yard in the coming years.



Through volunteer labor and tax-deductible donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and renovates houses with partner families in need of simple, decent shelter.  Habitat houses are sold to the families at no profit, financed with affordable, no-interest loans.  The homeowners' monthly mortgage payments are recycled through a revolving Fund for Humanity to build more houses.  Homeowners are chosen on the basis of need, willingness to partner and ability to repay the no-interest loan.


P O Box 454, Lavonia GA 30553